Friday, May 22, 2009

Xtreme Eyelash Extensions Now Available

We are so excited to let you know that we now offer Xtreme Lash Eyelash Extensions!

So say "Eye do to lash extensions"!

Check out our frequently asked questions below, and then give us a call to schedule an appointment or to get pricing information.....

What are semi-permanent eyelash extensions?

They are synthetic eyelashes made of a polyester material. They are made to look like a natural, perfect eyelash -- thicker at the base and thinner at the tip, with a slight curl. They come in different lengths and in many different colors, with the most popular being black. The extensions are slightly thicker than your natural lash to give you the look of a much thicker lash line. One individual synthetic lash is glued to one of your individual lashes with medical-grade glue. When done right, like the highly-trained stylists at Bella Toccare will do, your lashes will look longer and thicker, while still looking natural, and will be perfectly symmetrical and separated. No one will be able to tell that you weren't born with them, and you will not feel that you are wearing them.

· How long do semi-permanent eyelash extensions last?
They will last as long as you choose to maintain them. Your natural eyelash has a 2 to 3 month lifecycle. So, as an eyelash is naturally shed, the extension attached to it will be shed along with it. To start off, we apply a full set of 45+ lashes per eye.

· How often will I need lash refills?

Most of our clients need a refill every 2 to 3 weeks. A basic refill includes up to 20 lashes per eye. If you want a few additional lashes added to your basic refill, they are only $1 per lash. We offer a variety of refill options and packages to suit your needs and your budget.

· How safe are semi-permanent eyelash extensions?

These extensions are synthetic, completely sanitary, and hygienic to apply to the human lash. We use medical-grade glue similar to those used in surgical procedures. The extensions are glued to your lashes, not your skin. Allergic reactions are uncommon. However, should you have an allergic reaction, the extensions can be taken off quickly with our remover solution without damaging your natural eyelashes. Eyelash extensions can be worn indefinitely without causing damage to your natural lashes, so long as they are applied correctly and are properly sized for your lashes. Our technicians are extensively trained in selecting the best and safest extensions for your lashes.

· Can you describe the application process?

The application process is very relaxing and has been compared to receiving a spa service. You lie down on a cushy reclined table and have your eyes closed the entire time. Your initial full set generally takes between 90 to 150 minutes to apply, and refills can be done in as little as 20 - 60 minutes. Many of our clients fall asleep while having their lashes done.

· How do I take care of the extentions?

Semi-permanent eyelash extensions are wonderful because they will replace the need for mascara and provide a low-maintenance makeup routine. The main rules to follow are: keep your extensions dry for 24 hours after they are applied and avoid using any oil-based makeup removers or products on the lashes or around the eyes. Should you decide to use mascara, only water-based mascara can be used on the extensions. The best care for extensions is to just leave them alone, which is why they are so great. You will revel in the time it saves you in the morning when you awake looking bright-eyed and as though your mascara is already applied.

· Why is this service so costly?

First of all, this is a highly technical and skilled procedure. Our technicians are extensively trained - unlike many others out there who simply learn by watching a video or taking a one-day class. We have many clients who come to get their lashes "fixed" after they have been somewhere else. Our technicians take the time required to do the job right. The first full set can take anywhere from 90 minutes to 3 hours depending on the amount of extensions you want. After that, your refills generally take 30 minutes to an hour each time. Our technique consists of separating your natural lashes down to one single hair at a time and gluing a synthetic lash to your individual natural lash. Secondly, there are high-quality and low-quality products and services available in the market. We strive to use the highest quality products – including Xtreme Lashes™. Our combination of great skill and excellent products will show in the longevity and the beautiful, natural appearance of your lashes.

· Are Semi-Permanent Eyelash Extensions for me?

Yes - if you want to have sexier, younger, and well-rested looking eyes. Extensions first became popular with celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, the "Desperate Housewives" , Madonna, Lindsay Lohan, and other famous women. Now, it is finally available to all of us who want to look more glamorous or just have our beauty enhanced while having a lower-maintenance routine. Eyelash extensions provide a fuller, longer, darker lash line than you can possibly achieve with the best mascara on the market. The only thing that is required in order to get extensions is that you have natural lashes to which the extensions can be attached.


  1. You have shared such an informative post about Eyelash extensions. Loved the way you present the whole complicated process in a short article. I said complicated process because Eyelash extensions is related to our most sensitive part of the body i.e. eyes, so we must choose a reputed salon to get expert advice and to make sure that they are using high end products or chemicals. For more info about eyelash extensions products and services please visit the site.
